Caerphilly Public Services Board (PSB) is required to prepare a local assessment of well-being for the area that looks at it’s economic, environmental, cultural and social situation. The Well-being Assessment is used to inform planning across the public sector to deliver ‘The Caerphilly We Want’ and meet the national well-being goals for Wales.
The Assessment helps us set local Well-being Objectives and create the Well-being Plan for the area. The assessment has been developed by consulting extensively with our communities to gather their views on the well-being of the area, now and in the future. This engagement is supported by the relevant data for the county borough to paint a rich picture of life in the area.
While the seven national well-being goals have been used as a framework, the Caerphilly Public Services Board (and its wider partners) recognise the interdependence of each goal. For the purpose of clarity the assessment and the data that underpins it is presented here around the goals. There is also a requirement on all public bodies in Wales (including the Public Services Board) to act in accordance with the sustainable development principle (the five ways of working).
This mini-site has been created to enable you to view the data that underpins the assessment and to review this data as it changes over time. Whilst the data is central to our assessment, it will also provide important evidence for those with an interest in the local area, those who may be commissioning local services, or pulling together funding bids etc.